Sunday, February 22, 2015


What a week....I love Valle Grande tanto!!!!!!!!!  It is a sector de oro (gold) and we are seeing a lot of miracles!

I was able to participate in the baptism of la Nina.  The bautismo was super lindo and she was able to share her testimony after.  Her grandson was baptismed a year ago ...the obra de salvation is more powerful within families.

I was able to do another intercambio in Lampa this week with a hermanita se llama Hna W.  I love doing intercambios because I get to learn tons from the other misioneras.  This week the heat was impresionante. 

C the menos activo that we have been working with...asistió the church again this week.  I love seeing this light and joy that she now has that she is renewing her promises with Dios.  A miracle happened because her spouse is a member who does not want anything with the church anymore,.....but she talked with him this week (he works far away) and he said that he is going to accompany her when he gets back....whoot whoot.

We have found a lot of new people to teach who are super prepared.  Also this last sunday we had this couple assist the iglesia and they are in the process of moving to Valle Grande.  The husband is a member but his spouse is not...but basically she told us she wants to be baptized.  I love being a missionary!! To see people the which the spirit has prepared.  

Funny story of the week....I had three falls from my bicycle this week.  The first one was not funny but I learned that talking on the phone to respond with medical calls and riding my bicycle together=epic fall.  jaja.  The other one was hilarious.  There is a dirt/rocky path that is a short cut between the sectors which we take to save time.  It is super narrow...on one side of the path there is a fence the other side huge plants.  I started down the path and mentioned to my comp...Im a little nervous for some reason so I slowed down ..and in slow motion I wiped out landing in the plants (see pics).  We were laughing so hard it was impossible to untangle myself or my bike for some time.  

Something from my studies that I have been thinking a lot about is in Mark 10. I believe..It is about the rich jovencito that asked Christ what he needed to do to receive salvation.  Christ told him to sell everything, to take up his own cross and to follow him.  I love this because this youth already was obeying the mandamientos but he was living the gospel not with his heart.  To follow Christ it is not a check list but it is a change of heart, it is not the easiest path, but it is the only path that will lead to the greatest gift of all.

Love you tons

Hna Duffy

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