How is my family doing?.....tranquila ?;) I didn´t realize how often we use that word here until I talked with you guys. My comp. told me that I was talking a lot in Spanglish with you guys...sorry jaja.
It was SOOOO good to see your lovely faces.
This week was a little different with the feriado (holiday) but we learned a lot. Christmas eve we had lunch and dinner with a family from the ward which was awesome. Then Christmas morning my comp and I had our little celebration together (thanks sooo much for the packages) and then had an asado (BBQ) while we took turns talking with our families. After that we visited some investigadores y miembros in our sector. The night finished with a call from obispo that he was outside our apartment with his wife with treats for us (best bishop ever!).
Did you know that here in chile people open their presents at midnight instead of in the morning? There is this bread that everyone eats...I do not know why because it is pretty hmm what is the word...it is called pan de pascua...fruitcake but super dry.
This week has been interesting because a lot of people have left for vacation. I am learning more and more patience with myself and others ;) We have been doing a lot more contacts and have some awesome potential in this sector. Little miracles every day. For example we had basically finished all our plans for the day and we were without a lead on what to do next. Prayed and felt that we should pass by this lady we contacted the other week that lived far away. So we went and nobody answered the door. But a group of kids who lived next door approached us and started talking with us. In the end we talked with the abuela of these kids and found out that she had visited with missionaries before, and we have an appointment to visit them this week. There is no such thing as luck or chance...but the spirit and the hand of God in our lives!
I have been receiving tons of calls from missionaries this week after navidad (christmas). A lot of heat plus a lot of food equals GI problems. I can basically give my speech about what someone needs to do for diarrea in record time ;)
Thanks so much for your love and support.
Hna Duffy
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