So this is going to be a letter a little shorter. But I am sending it with a lot of love.
Cambios- I am staying here in Independencia but as Hna L (so for the intercambios I will be staying in my sector instead of traveling) and my comp is Hna H....again!!! I was her trainer like 9 months ago...loco. Heavenly Father has a plan for us this cambio. We are super excited to work together, and we can hit the ground running because we already know how the other works.
Hna N by comp is going home today. I am so grateful for the many lessons she taught me this last cambio.
J and M are progressando a lot. We taught them almost every day, because they kept asking us to pass by. Honestly they teach us. They always read between the visits, so in lessons we are just contesting their questions. Wow! They have been a blessing in my life to see people with spirits so prepared to accept the gospel of Jesus. J has been sick this weekend so please keep her in your prayers. muchas gracias.
Dad you inspired me with your letter about goals. I have a goal this cambio to set more goals and to cumplir them. I will let you know how it goes;)
It was interesting this week. We had to do tramites with our Visa etc and we did not have our time to study the scriptures like we usually do. Man I felt a difference. The scriptures are the spiritual waters that give us the enegy to keep going.
love ya tons
hna duffy