This email might be a little random because I have a lot of things I want to tell you. Here we go..
I leave the CCM exactly one week from today. The CCM has been a spiritual boot camp on how to study the scriptures, and how to invite the Spirit more into your life. I wouldn´t give this experience up for anything..but I definitely wouldn´t want to repeat it. I have officially sat in the same chair studying for about 10 hours almost every day for the past 5 plus weeks. I might miss my desk...or not. I was blessed with an amazing Distrito, Distrito #5! All of us are getting ¨cabin fever¨though and are ready to serve the Lord outside the CCM fence :) More misioneros arrived in the CCM this last week. More Hermanas came thankfully, and a couple of them are going to Santiago Norte too.
Yesterday me and Hna B were able to street contact again. We were able to talk with this Austrailian man named A. We started speaking spanish to him, and he said that he didnt speak spanish. You can only imagine how happy we got. It is still hard speaking in Spanish because I am not able to fully express myself. So our conversation with him went well, and I understood everything he said:) He said that his wife is Chilean, and that she fell down stairs in January and sustained some major injuries. He said he wouldn´t make a good Christian, but he has visited SLC and has a lot of respect for Mormons. We were able to give him a pass along card, and we said we would pray for his wife which he seemed to really appreciate. Trying to plant seeds of faith! Everyone has a story (yes Dad I´m quoting you) and when you sincerely talk with others they will open up about their miedos, problemas, y deseos. I love contacting!
I got two new Latina Hermanas in my room. Love them so much! Last night, Hna. S came up to me while I was writing in my journal in bed, and asked me what Peruvian coin I thought was prettier..I pointed to one and she said ¨this is for you.¨I know money is a concern for her...and this token really made an impression on my heart. What great humility these people have for the church, the gospel, the Lord. They are sacrificing so much more to serve. I am so grateful that I can serve by their side. What great people live down here in South America. They shine the light of Christ in so many ways.
For La Noche de Hogar, we were given the opportunity to tutor the Latino misioneros in ingles! They have the opportunity to take ingles classes while they are here, and they receive books etc to study ingles during their misiones. So much fun. We all sung ¨Called to Serve¨in ingles together. Some of the Latinos know some ingles due to video games...very impressive!
Tomorrow we are having a devotional by a member of the presidency of the 70! So excited. Then on Friday I get to go out with Hermanas who are serving in Santiago Sur. It is definitely winter here. The Andes Mountains are snow covered and stunning. If I could only go skiing on my P day jaja.
On Sunday I was able to give a talk about the Espiritu Santo (Holy Ghost). I talked about by going on a mision we give up lots of distractions like phones, tv, etc. which clear our minds to be open to the Espiritu Santo. My favorite part of the CCM experience has been my personal hour for studying the scriptures every morning. Best way to start off your day. Remember specific prayers receive specific answers!
What a wonderful work!
Love you with all mi corazon.
Hermana Duffy